Easy design updates that won’t blow your budget

It’s 2021 and most of us still haven’t left our homes. That being said, we’re all probably sick of looking at the same wallpaper, bland couch, or other familiar items and pieces in our homes. It’s time for a refresh! 

 Updating your space is a great way to shake up the energy and make you feel better, but often times we avoid doing this because we think updating our space has to cost a lot of money. Well we’re here to show you some design tips that won’t blow your budget!



Paint your Walls 

It’s amazing what a fresh coat of paint will do to a space. Painting a room instantly transforms it. Whether it is an accent wall or full room, a pop of color can help a space feel different and new. You can even try something a bit bolder, like doing a fun color blocking or pattern with paint to your walls. Paint is a fairly cheap material in terms of what you can do with your walls, and with hundreds of colors to choose from, you can find the perfect paint color to match your vibes. 


Rearrange your Furniture 

This design tip is so easy and totally free! Rearranging your furniture can create a whole new look and feel for your room without even costing you a dime. That’s because moving furniture around not only gives everything a new place and home, but it freshens the energy due to Feng Shui. 


Getting a New Area Rug

While rugs might be a bit of an investment, swapping out an area rug can change up a room significantly without the need to buy a whole new set of furniture. That is because a rug is often one of the biggest pieces in a room, taking up a lot of visual space. By changing this piece up, you can change up the color and style of your room.


Do a DIY Project 

DIY projects are a fun way to create a unique and cost-friendly item for your space. It not only gets you into a creative headspace, but you save a lot of money with these DIY updates, such as wall art, lighting, and even furniture pieces. 


Add some House Plants 

 House plants have become quite the rage, and rightly so! They are so great for our mental health and can even help purify the air. Adding house plants to a room instantly makes a space feel more happy and fresh. While it may be a bit of a cost on some house plants, go for babies, which are often cheaper. This way, you get to nurture them and watch them grow!


Making your home better doesn’t have to break the bank. Try all of these easy and affordable design tips and watch your space transform!

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